MIAS 2019 Edition holds a top position amongst Quebecers!
Once again, the public was there for the 76th MIAS. An increase in visits, on weekend days, shows that visitors are still passionate about cars, and MIAS sets a perfect stage where automotive innovation become accessible to all. An increase in the daily number of people on milder days shows once again that visitors are passionate about cars and MIAS sets a perfect stage where automotive innovation becomes accessible to all.
A renewed show with the creation of 3 new spaces: The Black Box, the Generator and the Garage brought the event to a whole new level. This confirms that the MIAS team efforts to renew the visitor experience continually drive results.
The 15th Edition of the Charity preview was presented as a Gala, where 5000 guests enjoyed a lovely and VIP previewing of the Auto Show. A record amount of $1,024,289 was raised in a single evening, thanks to the generosity of the automotive industry.